Personale docente

Marta Ghisi

Professore ordinario


Indirizzo: VIA VENEZIA, 8 - PADOVA . . .

Telefono: 0498276037


  • Il Venerdi' dalle 10:00 alle 12:00
    presso Telematico
    Il ricevimento studenti viene effettuato su prenotazione, scrivendo una mail alla prof.ssa Marta Ghisi per fissare l'appuntamento. Il ricevimento avviene tramite la piattaforma Zoom al seguente link:

Psychology of Sport: Development of self-report measures to assess psychological features associated with high sport performance; sport and healthy habits.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Assessment of phenomenological and psychological features; validation of self-report questionnaires.

Assessment and treatment of hair pulling (trichotillomnia).

Assessment of the role of Intolerance of uncertainty in several psychological disorders.

Post-partum depression in mothers and fathers.

Relationship Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (partner or parent-child focused).

Maladaptive personality traits.

Psychology of Sport:

- Development of self-report measures to assess psychological features associated with high sport performance; sport and healthy habits;

- Physiological responses underlying sport performance and cognitive tasks.

Health Psychology:

- Psychological characteristics and outcomes of heart transplantation patients or patients with left
ventricular assist device and their caregivers

Le tesi vengono svolte prevalentemente in italiano

RESEARCH LINES (some topics are intended for Ph.D. students)

Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Assessment of phenomenological and
psychological features; validation of self-report questionnaires.

Intolerance of uncertainty: Assessment of the role played in several
psychological disorders; Italian validation of self-report measures.

Hair-pulling: Assessment of phenomenological and psychological features;
assessment of the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural interventions.

Psychology of Sport: Development of self-report measures to assess psychological features associated with high sport performance; sport and health.